Wednesday, July 8, 2009

My Response to Beth...

Love you to.
I could apologize a million times
Make this go on and on
like one of those long Prince songs
You know, like the ones we
used to enjoy listening to
When the sun seemed to always shine and
rain only fell into frosted glasses
tasting like strawberry lemonade
yeah, i could say sorry for ever
but just know i never
meant to hurt you
sometimes the ego can be
venomous like scorpions hiding
under rocks while you're searching for
your hero in random places high and low
my verbal sting to you was to
distract me from the truth
the guilt of knowing that
i hurt you and that i let you down
i was being a enabler instead of a
protector and a friend
i don't doubt that it's hard for you to
forgive me once again
but I'm glad you do
i'll make an effort to
never hurt you again
just promise me you'll
make me some brownies
and make me laugh after
your glass of wine has you buzzed
or talk shyt with me while we're
kicking ass in some spades again.
I miss you dawg!

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