Thursday, May 8, 2014

the maturation of b g

i never had an addictive personality
so giving up cocaine and alcohol
was easier than
giving up hot dogs

the damaged liver
diagnosis came actually as a
sadden relief forcing me to no longer hide in
intoxicated self-less shadows of myself

summer soon set on snow filled
porcelain plates powdered with the
slush of gods snorted by the over sexed and those
wanting to party without pity

strong is the coffee that makes the
timid talk to strangers in bustling bars
boys in every corner and every stall
seeking the same thing; trust

cognac chilling on cubes of ice
intensifying the illusion of happiness
hooking health and hope
no health insurance

under physician’s order my order came to an end
when death’s chariot visited me carrying with it immortality
my reality laid before me
unconscious amidst a bloody toilet

i never had an addictive personality
so this fight would be an easy one but
the battle to be myself would be a war
waged with no innocent bystanders

supporters of habits housed in my sobriety
seeking shelter and desire in my insatiable
insanity would soon learn what real will is capable of
“the wages of sin are surely death”

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